The Evergreen Trend: Eyebrow Slit Men Styles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an eyebrow slit?

An eyebrow slit is a small shaved line (or multiple lines) in the eyebrows. It’s a trend that cycles in and out of fashion and can be styled in various ways.

Why are eyebrow slits called eyebrow slits?

The style gets its name from the shaved gap in eyebrow hair, which looks like a small slit or cut.

Are eyebrow slits for men still in style in 2025?

Eyebrow slits are a trend that comes and comes. While they were popular in the 90s and have seen a resurgence in recent years thanks to celebrities and social media, whether or not they’re “in style” is subjective. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference!

What do eyebrow slits mean for guys?

Historically, eyebrow slits were associated with gang culture in some areas. However, today most men wear them as a simple fashion statement or to express their individuality.

How do you style slits in the eyebrows for men?

Eyebrow slits can be styled in many ways! You can shave one single slit, multiple slits, or even get creative with angled or curved lines. The slits can be thin and subtle or thick and bold.

How do you slit your eyebrows?

It’s advisable to visit a professional barber or stylist to get an eyebrow slit. If you’re doing it at home, use a high- quality razor or electric trimmer with a fine-tooth blade and be very careful! Mark the desired slit with an eyebrow pencil first to ensure a clean line.